Blockchain Notary: Future of Online Notarization Service

Online Notarization Services in 2023

Blockchain Notary: Future of Online Notarization Service

April 7, 2023 Diginotary Team

Blockchain technology, at the forefront of the digital revolution, has changed how we think about data privacy, security, and decentralization. Its inherent characteristics have created many opportunities for creative applications across numerous industries. 

Notaries offer extra services to verify the customer’s documents are correct, ensure the convenience of dealing with the customers, and enable businesses to make contracts without traveling to the party to sign the documents.

Becoming a notary public is generally low across the U.S., costing about $100 for a four-year term, including the required state bonds and Notary stamps. This modest cost might shield your company from lawsuits and maintain consumer satisfaction, improving the performance of your enterprise as a whole.

Yet, the conventional notary industry is gradually dying because of the difficulties businesses face, the time consumed, and the mistakes that might occur when utilizing a notary.

90% of individuals today conduct financial transactions online, including 86% of people over 65. Nearly 50% of American people who have done so say that security questions (48%) or two-factor authentication (51%) make their online financial transactions seem the safest and most secure.

Online notary services on Blockchain are one of these applications, swiftly gaining popularity as the future of online notarization services.

Blockchain Notary: An Overview

Blockchain technology is used by a blockchain notary, an online notarization service, to produce safe, unchangeable, and untouchable records of digital transactions. It performs the same responsibilities as a virtual notary, validating and confirming digital contracts, papers, and transactions.

Unlike traditional notarization services, a blockchain notary service enables users to notarize documents online from anywhere worldwide, which needs physical presence and proof. This is made feasible using digital signatures, timestamped on the Blockchain, and cryptographically safeguarded.

How Does a Blockchain Notary Work?

Digital signature technology is not brand-new. Yet two novelties are added when a blockchain layer is added.

It first provides 100 percent assurance of the precise minute a document was signed. It also ensures that the document cannot be changed in any way. It resembles a miniature “digital notary” due to the combination of date certainty, document inalterability, and the assurance of authorship provided by a digital signature.

It’s an almost ideal option for the custody of digital evidence, even though it doesn’t result in the same obligations or legal repercussions. Blockchain technology is used in the blockchain notary procedure, which offers a safe and impenetrable approach to confirming the legitimacy of papers.

The procedures for a blockchain notary service online are as follows:

  • Step 1: Upload Document, Choose or Inform Notary: You must submit the document you want notarized to begin the process. You can choose a notary from the list provided or email them with your preference.
  • Step 2: Choose a meeting time. Once you’ve selected a notary, they will let you know when a meeting may be scheduled. You can agree to their suggested schedule or offer an alternative that works better for you.
  • Step 3: Notarization: The virtual notary services will use their digital signature to sign your document during the planned meeting and confirm your identity during a videotaped session. By doing this, you may be sure that a dependable outsider has examined and authenticated the document.
  • Step 4: Delivery: You will be sent a link to download your notarized document once the notarization procedure is finished. You will also get links to the audio and video recordings of the session and the notarization’s blockchain record. These links demonstrate the validity of your document and the notarization of it.

Using blockchain technology and a reputable notary, blockchain notary offers a safe and dependable way to confirm the legitimacy of documents.

Also, Read: Role Of Electronic Notary Service In Remote Business Operations

What Are the Benefits of Using a Blockchain Notary Service Online?

The use of the Blockchain for online notary services has several advantages:

  • The safety of deposited papers and deeds.
  • Access to the documents with a private key.
  • Secured block storage with the proper timestamps.
  • Easy ownership transfer of documents over the network.
  • Keep network transactions open for the verification procedure.

Revolutionizing Online Notarization Services with Diginotary

Blockchain notaries are revolutionizing the field of online notarization services. Blockchain notary is quickly replacing traditional online notarization services as people and businesses turn to it for its cutting-edge security features, transparency, and ease.

Who knows, maybe blockchain notaries will replace conventional notarization techniques as the standard in the future. We may anticipate more creative solutions in online notarization services as technology develops and more individuals benefit from blockchain notaries.

Hence, try an online notary with video if you’re seeking a quick, secure, and environmentally responsible alternative to notarize your documents. It might be the answer you’ve been searching for!

With complete control over your data, privacy, provenance, and integrations, your organization can avoid spending hours running around and waiting for fiduciary controls like public control. Using cryptographic techniques, blockchain public notaries offer secure records for various records usage and syndiction. 

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